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Tel Aviv - Jerusalem - Amman - Petra - Dead Sea
3 Customer Feedbacks
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This is a suggested independent itinerary that you customize. Please select the best flights, hotels, trains, activities, transportation and number of nights in each destination to fit your needs.
Travel to and around this area may be disrupted. We may not be able to confirm some services. Please review any travel advisories provided by the government prior to booking your trip.

Unforgettable vacation experience in Israel and Jordan!. Visit Tel Aviv, one of the coolest cities in the world. Famous for its stylish buildings, beautiful beaches, 24-hour life style and delicious food. Up next visit one of the most wonderful and spirituall cities in the world, Jerusalem where every stone tells a story of a town that has drawn millions of faithful pilgrims for thousands of years. Then escape to Amman, a city with a singular and bustling labyrinthine downtown, where you can see their imposing Roman Theatre; definitely a must see while on this city. Finally go to Petra, 'the rose city', famous for its multicolored sandstone and genuine Nabatean architecture, definitely one of the most renowned archaeological treasures in the world. Lastly is The Dead Sea, the salty lake located at the lowest point on Earth, is gradually shrinking under the heat of the Middle Eastern sun. Get back to Amman for one last stay, before returning home. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

This 10 night sample itinerary includes:
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Tel Aviv
  • Transfer from Hotel in Tel Aviv to Hotel in Jerusalem
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Jerusalem
  • Transfer from Hotel in Jerusalem to Tel Aviv Airport
  • Flight from Tel Aviv to Amman
  • Hotel for 1 night in Amman
  • Transfer from Hotel in Amman to Hotel in Petra
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Petra
  • Transfer from Hotel in Petra to Hotel in The Dead Sea
  • Hotel for 2 nights in The Dead Sea
  • Transfer from Hotel in The Dead Sea to Amman
  • Hotel for 1 night in Amman
  • Ramadan is a month of spirituality and purification during which participants abstain from eating, drinking, and smoking. Ramadan is typically celebrated in late winter or early spring.
    Please verify dates before booking travel because food and entertainment services in hotels and other public places may be affected.

Price history for this itinerary (past 7 days):
From Greenville GSP (SC), US for 10 nights
3962.81 *
Related Cities:
Tel Aviv (94)     Amman (135)     Dead Sea (40)     Petra (62)     Jerusalem (54)    
Customize and Book
With Int'l Flight     Without Int'l Flight
Arrival date
1. Tel Aviv
  117 hotels
2. Jerusalem
   (56 hotels)
3. Amman
   (46 hotels)
4. Petra
   (21 hotels)
5. Dead Sea
   (8 hotels)
6. Amman
   (46 hotels)
Please contact us for any special arrangements such as more than three rooms and partial stays.
View Price

Trip Summary
2 nights in Tel Aviv

The interesting ancient city of Tel Aviv is the cultural and economic center of Israel and the first modern Jewish city in the country. Tel Aviv is filled with more museums per capita than any other city in the world, featuring UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites, the highest concentration of Bauhaus International Style buildings in the world and the liveliest nightlife in the country. Visitors can relax on the beautiful beaches and swim in the sparkling blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea, Dine on delicious local cuisine and seafood in the waterfront restaurants, walk or cycle along the promenade and visit all the of the unique areas that the city has to offer.

Visit and explore the White City, Neve Tezdek, Jaffa, Tayelet, Gordon-Frishman Beach, Carmel Market, Migdal Afek, Yarkon Park, Museum of Art, Tel Aviv Port and so much more.

2 nights in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is a simply breathtaking city with some of the most iconic buildings and religious sites in the entire world. The Dome on the Rock and Temple Mount dominate the skyline and the ancient walls and alleyways of the Old city are filled with a rich past. The famous "Shuk" at Mahane Yehuda Market is bursting with a special ambiance, and the ancient neighborhoods are lined with open-air cafes and coffee shops, boutiques and fine dining. There is plenty to see and do in this spectacular city and there is a piece of history around every corner, waiting to be discovered.

Visit and explore the Old City, Dome of the Rock, Temple Mount, Al-Aqsa Mosque, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Western Wall, City of David, Tower of David, Mount of Olives, Mount Herzl, Yad Vashem, Damascus Gate and so much more.

1 nights in Amman

Amman, the capital of Jordan, is a fascinating city with a unique blend of old and new. Ideally situated on a hilly area between the desert and the fertile Jordan Valley. The ancient city features ultra-modern buildings, hotels, smart restaurants, art galleries and boutiques. There is evidence everywhere of the city`s much older past.

Visit and discover the Citadel Hill, Hercules Hand, The Roman Amphitheater, Jordan Museum, The Children`s Museum Jordan, Al Hussein Park, The Royal Automobile Museum, King Abdullah Mosque, Jabal Amman and so much more.

2 nights in Petra

Petra the Rose Red City, the world wonder, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site is without doubt Jordan's most valuable treasure and greatest tourist attraction. It is a vast, unique city, carved into the sheer rock face by the Nabataeans, an industrious Arab people who settled here more than 2000 years ago, turning it into an important junction for the silk, spice and other trade routes. The Treasury is just the first of the many wonders that make up Petra. As you enter the Petra valley you will be overwhelmed by the natural beauty of this place and its outstanding architectural achievements.

Visit and discover The Siq, The Treasury, The Royal Tombs, The Monastery, Little Petra, High Place of Sacrifice, The Roman Theatre and so much more.

2 nights in Dead Sea

The Dead Sea sits at the lowest point on the earth`s surface at 1,269 ft below sea level bordered by Jordan, Israel, and the West Bank. The Dead Sea has the highest level of salt content of any body of water in the world! Visitors can float freely in these magical healing waters and coat themselves in the mineral packed Dead Sea mud. Some of the world`s most religious sites are located within close proximity to the area and the region is filled with spas that provide rejuvenation and relaxation.

Visit and discover the Kalia Beach, Mineral Beach, Qumran Caves, Amman Beach, Ein Gedi Beach, Dead Sea Beach and much more.

1 nights in Amman

Amman, the capital of Jordan, is a fascinating city with a unique blend of old and new. Ideally situated on a hilly area between the desert and the fertile Jordan Valley. The ancient city features ultra-modern buildings, hotels, smart restaurants, art galleries and boutiques. There is evidence everywhere of the city`s much older past.

Visit and discover the Citadel Hill, Hercules Hand, The Roman Amphitheater, Jordan Museum, The Children`s Museum Jordan, Al Hussein Park, The Royal Automobile Museum, King Abdullah Mosque, Jabal Amman and so much more.

Book This Package
Flexible Itinerary
Tel Aviv
Day 1
Arrive to Tel Aviv
Overnight in Tel Aviv   117 hotels offered
Optional   190 Things to do
Day 2
Overnight in Tel Aviv   117 hotels offered
Optional   190 Things to do
Day 3
Departing from Tel Aviv
Transportation to next city by: Regional Air
Day 3
Arrive to Jerusalem
Overnight in Jerusalem   56 hotels offered
Optional   136 Things to do
Day 4
Overnight in Jerusalem   56 hotels offered
Optional   136 Things to do
Day 5
Departing from Jerusalem
Transportation to next city by: By Air - .Intercity Flight
Day 5
Arrive to Amman
Overnight in Amman   46 hotels offered
Optional   255 Things to do
Day 6
Departing from Amman
Transportation to next city by: Regional Air
Day 6
Arrive to Petra
Overnight in Petra   21 hotels offered
Optional   11 Things to do
Day 7
Overnight in Petra   21 hotels offered
Optional   11 Things to do
Day 8
Departing from Petra
Transportation to next city by: Regional Air
Dead Sea
Day 8
Arrive to Dead Sea
Overnight in Dead Sea   8 hotels offered
Optional   3 Things to do
Day 9
Overnight in Dead Sea   8 hotels offered
Optional   3 Things to do
Day 10
Departing from Dead Sea
Transportation to next city by: Regional Air
Day 10
Arrive to Amman
Overnight in Amman   46 hotels offered
Optional   255 Things to do
Day 11
Departing from Amman

Book This Package

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Tel Aviv Hotels (117 total)
Jerusalem Hotels (56 total)
Amman Hotels (46 total)
Petra Hotels (21 total)
Dead Sea Hotels (8 total)

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Tours in Tel Aviv (190 total)
Tours in Jerusalem (136 total)
Tours in Amman (255 total)
Tours in Petra (11 total)
Tours in Dead Sea (3 total)

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Package Map Picture

The memorable country of <b>Israel</b> is brimming with history and culture and the fascinating Dead Sea and the Red Sea. There are some wonderful beaches for family-friendly fun including Metzitzim Beach, Coral Beach a hot spot for snorkeling, and the clean, sandy shores of the Dead Sea at Ein Bokek Beach Broad.

Most likely people envision <b>Jordan</b> as a country within sight of `the Promised Land`, the land the Romans mightily conquered, the land Lawrence of Arabia fell in love with, the land of Crusades-era castles which still dot the sandy landscape. It`s the land of the nomadic Bedouins, who live from the land and who view camels as transportation and friend. Even though much of Jordan is covered in desert, the plants and animals that call this country home are sights to witness, in particular during the `desert bloom` at the beginning of May.
This package
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Tel Aviv - Jerusalem - Amman - Petra - Dead Sea
Tel Aviv
The interesting ancient city of Tel Aviv is the cultural and economic center of Israel and the first modern Jewish city in the country. Tel Aviv is filled with more museums per capita than any other city in the world, featuring UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites, the highest concentration of Bauhaus International Style buildings in the world and the liveliest nightlife in the country. Visitors can relax on the beautiful beaches and swim in the sparkling blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea, Dine on delicious local cuisine and seafood in the waterfront restaurants, walk or cycle along the promenade and visit all the of the unique areas that the city has to offer.

Visit and explore the White City, Neve Tezdek, Jaffa, Tayelet, Gordon-Frishman Beach, Carmel Market, Migdal Afek, Yarkon Park, Museum of Art, Tel Aviv Port and so much more.
Jerusalem is a simply breathtaking city with some of the most iconic buildings and religious sites in the entire world. The Dome on the Rock and Temple Mount dominate the skyline and the ancient walls and alleyways of the Old city are filled with a rich past. The famous "Shuk" at Mahane Yehuda Market is bursting with a special ambiance, and the ancient neighborhoods are lined with open-air cafes and coffee shops, boutiques and fine dining. There is plenty to see and do in this spectacular city and there is a piece of history around every corner, waiting to be discovered.

Visit and explore the Old City, Dome of the Rock, Temple Mount, Al-Aqsa Mosque, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Western Wall, City of David, Tower of David, Mount of Olives, Mount Herzl, Yad Vashem, Damascus Gate and so much more.
Amman, the capital of Jordan, is a fascinating city with a unique blend of old and new. Ideally situated on a hilly area between the desert and the fertile Jordan Valley. The ancient city features ultra-modern buildings, hotels, smart restaurants, art galleries and boutiques. There is evidence everywhere of the city`s much older past.

Visit and discover the Citadel Hill, Hercules Hand, The Roman Amphitheater, Jordan Museum, The Children`s Museum Jordan, Al Hussein Park, The Royal Automobile Museum, King Abdullah Mosque, Jabal Amman and so much more.
Petra the Rose Red City, the world wonder, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site is without doubt Jordan's most valuable treasure and greatest tourist attraction. It is a vast, unique city, carved into the sheer rock face by the Nabataeans, an industrious Arab people who settled here more than 2000 years ago, turning it into an important junction for the silk, spice and other trade routes. The Treasury is just the first of the many wonders that make up Petra. As you enter the Petra valley you will be overwhelmed by the natural beauty of this place and its outstanding architectural achievements.

Visit and discover The Siq, The Treasury, The Royal Tombs, The Monastery, Little Petra, High Place of Sacrifice, The Roman Theatre and so much more.
Dead Sea
The Dead Sea sits at the lowest point on the earth`s surface at 1,269 ft below sea level bordered by Jordan, Israel, and the West Bank. The Dead Sea has the highest level of salt content of any body of water in the world! Visitors can float freely in these magical healing waters and coat themselves in the mineral packed Dead Sea mud. Some of the world`s most religious sites are located within close proximity to the area and the region is filled with spas that provide rejuvenation and relaxation.

Visit and discover the Kalia Beach, Mineral Beach, Qumran Caves, Amman Beach, Ein Gedi Beach, Dead Sea Beach and much more.
Amman, the capital of Jordan, is a fascinating city with a unique blend of old and new. Ideally situated on a hilly area between the desert and the fertile Jordan Valley. The ancient city features ultra-modern buildings, hotels, smart restaurants, art galleries and boutiques. There is evidence everywhere of the city`s much older past.

Visit and discover the Citadel Hill, Hercules Hand, The Roman Amphitheater, Jordan Museum, The Children`s Museum Jordan, Al Hussein Park, The Royal Automobile Museum, King Abdullah Mosque, Jabal Amman and so much more.

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