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Mulhouse: Point of Interest Map
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Mulhouse Vacations

Map of Mulhouse
Hotels and Activities
Cities in France
France and Beyond

Mulhouse in Alsace was once a flourishing textile and manufacturing town, however, globalization of industry has brought a major transformation to the town, still with a sprinkle to its powerful past. The city boasts the world’s biggest car museum, an incredible train museum, an electricity museum, and much more. Former factories are being converted into restaurants and artists residences. It’s streets are an art heaven and the city has an exciting buzz and a thriving artistic community with the largest artists' residence in France.

Best Mulhouse Vacation Packages:
Suggested Mulhouse Vacation Packages:
Best of Burgundy (Self Drive)
12 nights from $524*
The Loire Valley (Orleans - Blois - Tours - Saumur - Nantes - Self Drive)
12 nights from $521*
Charming Towns of the Loire Valley (Self Drive)
12 nights from $767*
EU Golden Cities (London - Paris - Nice - Milan - Venice - Florence - Rome)
More details
French Castles and Wine (Paris - Rouen - Bayeux - Mont St. Michel - Blois - Self Drive)
11 nights from $786*
French Delights
14 nights from $2,002*
French Highlights (Paris - Dijon - Lyon - Nimes - Avignon - Nice - Self Drive)
8 nights from $529*

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