
Hong Kong has bloomed into an exciting year-round destination. Its subtropical location results in generally mild winters and extremely hot and humid summers. A pleasant time to visit is October through December with comfortable temperatures in the 70s. Tourism picks up significantly in January despite the colder temperatures and higher hotel prices.

The Chinese New Year usually falls between the last week of January and the first week of February. Spring, between March and May, offers temperatures in the mid-60s and high-70s with some rain and fog and wonderfully affordable options for travelers on a budget. Summer, between late-May and mid-September, remains a popular tourist time despite stifling hot and humid conditions. Severe tropical storms, known as typhoons, can be particularly prevalent in September and are closely monitored with excellent advance warning systems throughout Hong Kong.

Holidays and Festivals

There are 17 national holidays each year in Hong Kong, the majority of which follow the lunar calendar and are celebrated with festivals and elevated prices. With the exception of the Chinese New Year, most restaurants, shops, and attractions remain open during public holidays.