Southern Side

The southern side of Windhoek offers a quieter option when compared to the central areas. The southern part of Windhoek is a more residential area that boasts beautiful views of the surrounding hills and landscape. It is typically about a 15-minute drive to get into the city center, depending on where your hotel is located. Overall, staying on the southern side of Windhoek offers a more relaxed and laid-back ambiance compared to the busy city center. It's a great option for travelers seeking a peaceful retreat while still having access to urban conveniences and attractions.

Windhoek Central

Staying in Windhoek Central offers a vibrant urban experience in the heart of Namibia's capital city. Windhoek Central is the bustling downtown area, characterized by its mix of modern and colonial architecture, lively streets, and diverse cultural influences. This is also where the markets, malls, and boutiques are. However, during the weekdays and in the evenings, the city center can be very sleepy.

The city center offers plenty of accommodation options, and you’ll be within walking distance of some great restaurants. You’ll also be central to several historical landmarks and buildings, including the Christuskirche (Christ Church), Alte Feste (Old Fortress), and the Independence Memorial Museum. Exploring these sites offers insights into Namibia's rich history and colonial past.