By Bus

The main bus service in Lome is Sotral, which offers a fleet of 88 buses that operate eighteen lines including 11 regular lines of the network in Greater Lome. Bus tickets are relatively cheap and cost around 300 Fcfa, but the bus service is not extensive enough to cover the entire capital city. One of the most popular modes of transportation in Lome are two types of taxis; a car taxi, usually identified by its yellow top and yellow license plate with its registration number painted on both front doors. Taxi fares are negotiable and should be discussed before the ride begins.

By Moto

Motos (motorcycles) are plentiful throughout the city, which is the fastest and cheapest way to get around and navigate the city. It might not be the safest way, but it is an experience worth trying when in Togo. Take a ride on the back of a motorcycle to get from point A to point B. A good distance on a moto will cost around 300 Fcfa. There are minibusses that transport passengers between cities and over the border to surrounding countries. They are either minibusses (or bush taxis) with several seats or four-door cars. Fares are usually set, and charged per passenger, cars leave when they are full and can get crowded.

By Car

You can rent a car when visiting the capital city of Lome in Togo. Renting a car is relatively easy and affordable. The roads in the country are not in the best shape, some may consider allowing someone else to drive them if they are traveling a long distance. The driving standards and conditions of the roads can be somewhat hazardous in certain areas, especially at night when things are poorly lit. The rainy season can make some roads impassable, and you may encounter official and unofficial roadblocks.

There are only two major highways in the country which have a total of 4,670 miles of road networks. Highway N1 and N2 connect the capital city of Lome with the city of Dapaong, where it travels north to Burkina Faso, and from there north-west to Mali, and northeast to Niger. The Tran-s West African Coastal Highway crosses the country and connects it with Benin and Nigeria to the east, and Ghana and the Ivory Coast to the west. And there is a portion under construction in Liberia and Sierra Leone that will continue west to seven other Economic Community of West African States nations (ECOWAS).

By Taxi

Taxis are plentiful in Lome and can be found at the airport, and around the city, and can be identified by their yellow roofs and license plate with their registration numbers painted on both front doors. A taxi will cost around 500 CFA for a one-way short trip inside the city, taxi trips to the northern portion of the city can cost up to 2,500 CFA. Zemidjan are motorcycle taxis that are most commonly used for short trips in the city. They can carry one to two passengers for short distances through towns and fares are negotiable. This is one of the fastest ways to get around the city, although not practical if you are traveling with luggage. These motorcycles can easily zip through the city and skip traffic. Negotiating prices is the norm in Togo, haggling for the lowest price. You can also request a taxi at your hotel, or call Tele Taxi Togo (11-238-7932-774).

On Foot

The city of Lome is small and walkable with many of the top attractions, accommodations, dining, and entertainment found in the heart of the city. The Boulevard Cirrculaire (le 13 Janvier) acts as a main artery through downtown, a hemisphere that encloses the Marche, and Government buildings, it starts at the beach in Kodjoviakope and wraps around to the beach in Bea. The Beach Road runs directly beside the ocean from Ghana to Benin. Walking around alone at night is not advisable due to poor lighting and petty crime, stick to the well-lit main streets and avoid walking alone.

By Boat

The Port of Lome, which is the only commercial port of Togo is located in the city. The port carries out trade and export-import activities in the country. There is also a cruise terminal here and ferries that travel from Benin and Ghana and other coastal portions.