Limited Transport

The only way to get around the hotel area of Ein Bokek is by taxi, rental car, or on foot to nearby attractions. There are many tours and shuttles available in the area to reach the Dead Sea.

By Car

Renting a car is one of the best ways to travel to Ein Bokek; Highway 1 and Highway 90 travel through the West Bank from Jerusalem. Highway 90 is a relatively easy drive traveling downhill through scenic landscapes. Highway 90 also connects from the south to the road from Beersheva via Arad.

By Taxi

Taxis are one of the main ways to get around once you arrive in the hotel area of Ein Bokek, many things will be within walking distance from your hotel, but reaching the Dead Sea will require a taxi ride. Taxis must be booked in advance to reach the Dead Sea and there are many private taxi companies who offer this ride.

On Foot

Yes walking around the hotel area of Ein Bokek is easily done with hotels, restaurants, shops, bars, and other small attractions located within walking distance.