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Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst: Point of Interest Map
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Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst Vacations


Most visitors admire the Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst simply because they are outstanding for the large number of complex, diverse, and relatively intact caves concentrated in a relatively small area. Located at the north-eastern border of Hungary and the south-eastern border of Slovakia, this exceptional group of 712 caves is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, recorded at the time of inscription, lies under a protected area of 56,651 ha and a larger buffer zone. Today more than 1000 caves are known. These include rounded hills that are relicts of tropical karst later modified by Pleistocene periglacial weathering. All of the caves are State-owned and the land above them has protected status. The cave system is exceptionally sensitive to environmental changes, including agricultural pollution, deforestation, and soil erosion.

Tours to Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst are avaliable from Budapest.

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* Sample prices displayed include international and domestic airline tickets as per itinerary and ALL airline-related taxes and fuel surcharges and are per person, based on double occupancy, and are dynamic in nature. Prices do not include insurance or delivery charges which are optional and customizable by the traveler. The airfare portion of the itinerary price is based on economy class, midweek departure. Prices do not include fees for carry on or checked baggage which can add additional fees per ticket on a roundtrip flight based on carrier charges. It also does not include any entrance fees or visa fees that may be charged at international airports. Some cities may charge local taxes that can only be collected by hotel at destination.
Prices were accurate at the time we posted them. Sample prices were for a specific travel date and specific departure airport, as indicated. Your prices will vary according to departure cities and travel dates. We do not control prices (airlines and hotel reservation systems do). Prices may change dynamically and at times significantly numerous times during any given day.