Abidjan, a cosmopolitan city in Sub-Saharan Africa, is the economic capital of the Ivory Coast. Its population is divided among the thirteen municipalities which it comprises: Abobo, Adjame, Anyama, Attecoube, Bingerville, Cocody, Koumassi, Marcory, Plateau, Port Bouet, Treichville, Songon and Yopougon. Abidjan is the country's major urban center, with skyscrapers rising above the Ebrie Lagoon. Modern landmarks include La Pyramide, a ziggurat-like building and St. Paul's Cathedral, a swooping structure tethered to a massive cross. Artwork, cultural relics and handicrafts are on display at Le Musee des Civilisations de Cote d'Ivoire.
Visit and explore the Playce Shopping Mall, Plateau Mosque, Parc National du Banco, and so much more.