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Braga: Point of Interest Map
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Braga Vacations

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Braga has been for centuries an archiepiscopal seat and pilgrimage site. There are a lot of beautiful churches to see here as well as the palace of the Archbishop dating from the 14-th century. Another important sight is the 16th Century Palácio dos Biscainhos. Just east of the town is one of Portugal's most famous tourist attraction, the Igreja de Bom Jesus de Monte - an impressive Baroque staircase symbolic of the 14 Stations of the Cross that leads upwards to a late 18th Century Church.
Best Braga Vacation Packages:
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Suggested Braga Vacation Packages:
Porto - Braga - Lisbon by Train
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Lisbon - Coimbra - Costa Verde - Porto (Self Drive)
8 nights from $542*
Porto - Braga - Guimares - Duoro Valley (Self Drive)
9 nights from $480*
Porto - Coimbra - Fatima - Lisbon (Self Drive)
8 nights from $388*
Porto and Braga by Train
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The Best of Central and Northern Portugal from Porto
8 nights from $892*
Highlights of Portugal (Porto - Coimbra - Lisbon - Faro)
12 nights from $2,229*

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